
VeteranCareGiver.com is in no way affiliated with the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), or any branch of the Armed Services. No branch of the Armed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard) nor any other component of the Department of Defense or the Department of Veteran Affairs has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product (or promotion, or service, or activity) as an integral part of the use of imitation. Third party links are offered as a convenience and for informational purposes only.

All material on VeteranCaregiver.com is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for consultation with qualified professional medical, financial, legal, housing, employment, education, health and wellness, or other licensed and alternative providers. Please consult your healthcare team with any questions regarding medical guidance, referral, medication or treatment.

Contributions and information posted from veteran benefits advisors and/or VSO organizations is offered strictly for educational purposes only. Information provided is not a substitute for qualified professional personal guidance and you should always consult your own advisors and representatives before making a decision regarding your own personal situation.